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Prayer Retreat Church Flyer (1920 x 1080 px).png


PK Retreat is for students (12-19) that have at least one parent in a current active pastoral position. This can include senior, assistant, associate, worship, youth, young adult, children's, men's ministry, women's ministry,(..etc) Pastors and active AG missionaries.

The PK (Preacher's Kid) Retreat is an opportunity for all the preacher’s kids across our state to come together for a time of fellowship and refreshing. Whether you are 12 or 100, being a preacher’s kid is a role that carries with it some added responsibilities, a little extra stress, and a lot of sacrifice. It’s a lifestyle that only another preacher’s kid can understand. PK’s have different needs and this retreat is specifically designed with them in mind. As usual, there will be some special activities planned for this weekend event.

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